
We are absolutely delighted with the quality of our fleeces and how clean they are this year with minimal vegetative mater.

Our fleece selection is as follows:

Jacob fleeces – we pride ourselves in the quality of our Jacob fleeces and some of our sheep have won competitions based on their fleece quality. The majority of these fleeces will have a lovely crimp and spin beautifully but also lend themselves to being needle felted and wet felted and look amazing on pin looms or peg looms. The white part of the fleece also takes colour very well if washed correctly. 

Jacob cross fleeces – these range in colour from iron grey through to almost black and chocolate brown and the majority of the fleeces will have a lovely crimp. These will spin nicely, take well to needle felting and wet felting and look lovely if used on a peg loom or pin loom. 

Texel mule fleeces – these fleeces also have nice crimp and like the Jacob and Jacob cross is a very versatile fleece. 

Greyface Dartmoor fleeces – being a long wool fleece these are very different to our other fleeces. Adult fleeces are very coarse but with time and perseverance can be made into living rugs, by that I mean unlike sheep skin rugs the sheep is still alive and you use the wet felting technique to create a backing for it. 

GFD x suffolk, texel, jacob fleeces – These fleeces are much softer than a pure gfd fleece and could be spun, felted, peg loomed etc making them very versatile. 


We praise ourselves in using very little marker spray but unfortunately due to the weather this year we have had to treat our sheep with fly protection spray. After a conversation with the manufacturers they have said our fleeces are perfectly safe to handle.


Where possible we avoid using colour sprays on the fleeces and when we do we use very small amounts. No colour spray is used on our Jacob fleeces. Our rams have raddle paste (coloured powder mixed with vegetable oil) applied to them so some fleeces will have raddle paste on them but this will wash out. All of our sheep graze outside and have hay through the winter and straw as bedding so there will be some degree of vegetative matter (very little) which we endeavour to shake out when we skirt and roll the fleeces at shearing. With this in mind we do not charge a fortune for our fleeces. 

All fleeces exclude P&P which is £6.09 up to 2Kg and £7.59 up to 5kg. Please note maximum box size dictates how many fleeces fit in.

To order please email lisavhutchins@gmail.com or private message  on the facebook page.

We also offer a hand washing and drum carding service at an additional cost. More information about this can be found on our Melken Jacobs & The Woolly Wagon page. 

Please Note all fleeces marked with ” * ” are ewes that have lambed this year

Any questions please ask!